Sum Clarity Courses
Getting Your House in Order
A five-week culturally-specific financial education course that creates a safe place for BLACK Americans TO talk OPENLY AND HONESTLY ABOUT THEIR FINANCIAL GOALS AND CHALLENGES WITHOUT JUDGEMENT.
Your clients will welcome this course as a time to learn with those who share similar challenges and discuss the ways they can change their financial behaviors. They will be guided to understand all the factors that affect their money management, from institutional racism to money decisions they make in their daily lives.

Getting Your House in Order
5 week culturally specific financial education course that takes into consideration African Americans’ shared history, culture, beliefs and behaviors around money management to inform the way we have managed our finances in the past and how we will manage it going forward.
- Explore the unique historic experience of African Americans with money.
- Identify how cultural, family and personal financial values affect financial behaviors
- Explore methods of resources and money management that have been effective historically in the African American community and how these methods do or do not fit into the “traditional “ Financial systems.
- Distinguish needs from wants and work within existing resources.
- Understand the concepts and experiences with saving and investing from a historical, cultural and personal perspective.
- Understand the principles of investing including risks and returns
Understanding and using credit
- Understand the costs, advantages & disadvantages of using credit
- Understand credit reports, credit scoring, and how leaders evaluate risk
Protecting Yourself and Your Assets
- How to better protect yourself from identity theft and financial fraud.
- Understand the role and importance of insurance in managing risk
Sum Clarity Courses
Explore the two ways you can bring the Getting Your House in Order course to your organization and community.
Train The Trainer
We will train and certify your staff members to facilitate our culturally specific financial education course through a 3-day program. Throughout the training, they will review fundamental teaching principles, become familiar with the GYHIO curriculum, and develop their own teaching style and connection to the material. The practical and interactive style of our training will provide the confidence and knowledge needed to effectively deliver the course and help your clients start changing the way they approach their finances.
Instruction services
would you like to offer the course to your clients and community, but your organization doesn’t currently have the capacity to do so? Sum Clarity can provide certified instructors to work with you.